One of the best ways to make money online is to become an author on a site Google AdSense revenue sharing.
Revenue sharing means that as an author, will share revenue generated by clicks on Google ads on their pages with articles by the site owner. Some sites offer a 10% and others 50% and if you're lucky, you can share a generous portion of 75%.
Step 1
The first step would be is to get an AdSense account. Google AdSense and sign up for a free account to get a publisher ID.
Step 2
Register with the site distribution of income and submit your publisher ID.
Step 3
Decide on what you write, do some keyword research and write articles containing these keywords.
These steps are the easiest part of the process.
In order for you to receive part of the revenue should really have the readers of your articles. And readers also requires a few steps.
Step 4
Register for an account on Squidoo and Hubpages and send the centers and the lenses of his subjects.
Step 5
Share your article on social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Digg and Desliscious. The income distribution sites usually have these buttons to share on their sites to make the process as easy as possible.
Step 6
Keep writing. Regular posting to sharing sites is very important. You have to build track of regular readers and therefore you should keep your items fresh and regular.
Revenue sharing means that as an author, will share revenue generated by clicks on Google ads on their pages with articles by the site owner. Some sites offer a 10% and others 50% and if you're lucky, you can share a generous portion of 75%.
Step 1
The first step would be is to get an AdSense account. Google AdSense and sign up for a free account to get a publisher ID.
Step 2
Register with the site distribution of income and submit your publisher ID.
Step 3
Decide on what you write, do some keyword research and write articles containing these keywords.
These steps are the easiest part of the process.
In order for you to receive part of the revenue should really have the readers of your articles. And readers also requires a few steps.
Step 4
Register for an account on Squidoo and Hubpages and send the centers and the lenses of his subjects.
Step 5
Share your article on social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Digg and Desliscious. The income distribution sites usually have these buttons to share on their sites to make the process as easy as possible.
Step 6
Keep writing. Regular posting to sharing sites is very important. You have to build track of regular readers and therefore you should keep your items fresh and regular.